Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Clips in the show

I think, in my package, I'm going to include clips from the TV programme's I'm talking about. I'll have to make sure in the clips, that there's no swearing or expletives.  Even though I have heard swearing on a BBC Radio production before, that was a show that heavily mentioned there was going to be swearing and it was at 10 o'clock at night. I think our shows are probably going to be on at some point in the afternoon, so swearing is a no go.

Also, if I'm using clips, I'd have to get permission to do so. If I handed in my package purely as a piece of coursework, and didn't broadcast it anywhere, it's possible that I wouldn't need to get permission. But I may want to put the package online, which I definitely would need permission for.

The clips would be some of the most well-known from the show, or clips that I'm a fan of but are also short.. For example, this is a sketch that I think will fit in to the package.

Clips from Gary: Tank Commander may be included.

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