Tuesday, 27 March 2012

What I'll be using. And how I'm going to pay for it.

If I was making this package out in the real world, and not on the college course, I'd need to pay for the following. This is also what I intend to use to make/edit my package.

Zoom H2 Recorder (for recording interviews outside of the college studios.) This would cost around £119.

Booking a studio to record my presenter. This would cost around £30 per hour.

Hiring the presenter. Hiring an actor would cost £125 per hour, and that should be by far enough time to get everything recorded. If the actors are traveling a large distance, cost for travel may come in to it. This varies depending on where they're coming from, and going to.

Purchasing an M Box + Pro Tools, or equivalent editing software. The cost varies vastly on different website, but one of the links I've found says it will cost around £500 for everything.
I'll probably be using the free program Audacity to edit the package.

I don't think I'd need to pay to use the clips from the show, as I'm using them purely as examples, and talking about them within the package. I think this may fit in to a legal act that I can't quite remember the name of, which is handy. It's something about being allowed to use an excerpt if you're reviewing/talking about it.

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