Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Interviews - Teddy and Jay Richardson

I have now have 3 interviews recorded. The Jemma Rodgers one, The Jay Richardson one and the Teddy one. 'Teddy' is a stand-up comedian from Scotland who has performed all over the UK. I interviewed him on Wednesday, and that one went really quite well and he said some interesting things about comedy getting a bit darker, the further north you go (in the UK.) Here are some of the questions I asked him:

Who's your favourite Scottish comedian that's made a bit of a name for himself elsewhere? 
where outside of Scotland have you played? 
How was it?
was the response to your material the same as it is in Scotland?
did you alter any of it, thinking it would get a better laugh? 

I asked him the first question just to start the interview off.

My interview with Jay Richardson went well, but unfortunately he was on a bus at the time so the sound wasn't great. Here are the questions I asked him:

  1. what’s your favourite scottish comedy of the last few years? why?
  2. what do you think it is that makes it hard for scottish comedies to be shown uk-wide?
  3. Do you think scottish comedies give viewers anything that english ones can't?
  4. 4. do you think the creators of scottish comedy should change their work for a uk-wide appeal? 
  5. do you think that TV is less-open to scottish comedy than the stand-up circuit? and if so, why?
  6. if it was up to you, would you show more scottish-made shows be broadcast across the uk?
 (do you think viewers outside of scotland are missing out? do you think tv play it a bit too safe?)

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