Friday, 18 May 2012

Minutes of meeting - 5th meeting

HNC Creative Industries Radio Broadcasting.
Graded Unit DM2P 34
Creative Project DM0W 34
Meeting 1 16/05/12
Location R107 Edinburgh’s Telford College
Agenda: Jen Leaving
                        Find out where people are with their packages.
                        Discuss one-hour show plans.
Minutes of meeting 16/05/12 room R107 Edinburgh’s Telford College 14:30 hours
Present: James Walker, Liam Tait, Allan Martin
Jen Leaving.
We first brought up the fact that Jen, has now left the group and shall not be completing her work on her package. This leaves us with a large gap in our one-hour show. We think that we’re going to fill in that space with a recorded discussion about scottish exports. 
Find out where people are with their packages.
Liam is confirming his last interview, and has one in the coming days. He’s all ready to go with his script and just need to get it recorded now.
Hassan has his presenter voice recorded, as well as all of his interviews; he’s just piecing it together now.
Allan is editing his last interview, and is then going to write his script and put everything together.
I (James) have all of my interviews, and now just need to work on my script and getting that recorded and put together.
We have all given each other the deadline of having the packages completed by the end of Friday.
Discuss one-hour show plans.
Earlier today we got our live guest confirmed, and James has agreed to type up the timings for the one-hour show. 

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